Fort Washington Country Club celebrates their 100th year anniversary in 2023. As one of the top ranked private golf clubs in northern California, they have a rich history of achievements. Solutions by Design was retained to design and produce a 200 page coffee table book to celebrate their 100th year anniversary.

Chief Wenatchee was once one of the largest apple, pear and cherry co-ops in the State of Washington and one of our favorite clients. Home to hundreds of growers and shippers of thousands of cases of fresh products throughout the world, Chief Wenatchee hired Solutions by Design to create an entirely new brand program to pump new blood into their marketing program. We developed an entirely new brand and packaging program as well as new promotional programs for their Asian marketing. Grower programs and display programs were introduced to revitalize the brands. We were fortunate to participate in promotional programs in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Tokyo on behalf of this great co-op.
We have specialized in designing packaging for wholesale and retail applications for over 30 years. Produce shippers such as Trinity Fruit hired SBD to develop their premium Prima Blanco brand and packaging for white flesh peaches and nectarines to stand out in the crowded fresh fruit segment.
Setton Farms is a leader in the pistachio industry. SBD designed an entire line of packaging for their salted and flavored products.
Our portfolio includes consumer packing for Hadley Dates, Chinchiolo Cherries, M&R Cherries, Sierra Hills Apples, Chief Wenachee Apples, Cherries, Pears, Orchard View Farms Cherries, Wawonna Fruit and many more.

Graphic Design
Package Design
We have over 30 years of experience in graphic design including brand and corporate identity design. We have designed over 300 logos for clients all over the world. Packaging programs for commodity and consumer programs for the apple, cherry, fig, citrus, peach, plum and nectarines, grapes, pear, and pistachio industries.
Digital illustration for a wide variety of applications including point of sale, advertising brochure design, and collateral programs.